Coach Parking
Private Coaches for the Emerge Festival must park in the designated zones secured by Emerge Security Staff. There are two coach/bus parking zones. Zone 1 is located in the left hand side of The Range car park and the second in the same area to the right of The Range Car Park.
When approaching Boucher Road from either Stockman’s Lane of Belfast City coaches should travel toward Balmoral Road entrance (as indicated on the map). The first coaches to arrive will be directed to park in Zone 1 – The Range Car Park. Once this is at capacity coaches will be directed to the car park on the right opposite The Range Car Park, as indicated on the Map.
Please note that toilet, medical and cleaning facilities will be available on Zone 1 & 2. Customers disembarking coaches should follow the sign posted pedestrian walkways toward the festival and MUST only cross at Pedestrian Crossings. There is a Road Closure in place each night from 9pm. Emerge Security personnel will direct coaches on exiting the Zones.